In a very moving way, Osorio’s narratives deals in Dead End With An Exit (“Callejón con salida”) with the dreams and hopes of people who are looking for an exit from the dead end of their lives. Andrea finds the place where she can cry at the funeral for a stranger who is unknown to her; A man who during the dictatorship lived for many years under Marcos’s name, finally gives Marcos his life back; Gabi travels in search of her missing brother and finds a completely different happiness. But all of them, even if they tell us about wounds that are difficult to heal – loss of identity, loneliness, betrayal – are open to hope. Hence the title of this book. Dead end with an exit, then, is the triumph of literature in its noblest sense: thanks to it, reality, even in its most sordid and disturbing aspects, becomes a message to relieve all those who, whether for political or personal reasons, had to remain silent and had no salvation. The author’s commanding domination of intrigue extends from beginning to end.
»Direct and powerful tales.«
El País
»Osorio deeply penetrates and masters the art of telling stories.«
La Reppublica
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OBRAS | Doble fondo | La Capitana / Mika | A veinte años, Luz | Cielo de tango | Callejón con salida